Mom and I went to a great place for lunch called the Butterfly Garden which has a location inside Dolfingers (also one on Bardstown Road). If you get a chance to eat there, the food is really great. As we looked around the store while waiting for our table, I picked up an etched dragonfly glass that was really cool. I was saving my money for Frankfort Avenue shopping so I didn't buy it. Several days later we met my parents for dinner and mom presented me with a beautifully packaged gift, which confused me as she had already given me my birthday gift. Inside the beautiful box was a set of four of the etched dragonfly glasses. I stuck the ribbon inside so you can see the etching more clearly.
What a great surprise! To think my mom went back to get these was so special.
I love these!
Here is a cool Gallapalooza horse we saw when we were shopping on Frankfort Avenue. I love spotting these horses all over town. Someday I'd like to make one myself.