Saturday, January 3, 2009

Photo Tag Game

Okay, I've been tagged by KK with AllHorseStuff for a fun photo game. The idea is go to to your photos and choose the 6th folder and the 6th picture. Well, my 6th folder had to do with repairs to the roof, so that was not too exciting. Instead I went to my 7th folder, which is "Potted Plants." A little more aesthetic than roof repairs! My photo is of an arrangement I put together last spring for my mom. Each year she asks for potted flowers for Mother's Day and it's always fun to design something new. I just love spring! I have to pick out flowers that are annuals and that will hold up to our hot humid weather during the summer. The wave petunias always do well here. I like to put something tall and whispy in the middle. The flower colors are usually pinks, purples and whites, to compliment the colors of the brick on my parent's house. This was the day I put it together so it had room to grow and fill out during the spring and summer.

That's the story of my photo for this round of tag. Who is next?

The rules are:
1) Go to your picture folder, or wherever you store your photos on your computer
2) Go to the sixth folder and pick the sixth picture
3) Post it on your blog and tell the story that goes along with the picture
4) Tag five friends to do the same thing, and leave a message on their blog that they have been tagged~

I hereby TAG:

1. Jackie with GloryBeHerbals
2. Elayne with ChezChani
3. Devin with ExpressionsbyDevin
4. Carmen with Dented Halo
5. Corinne with DaydreamArtStudio


ChezChani said...

That picture is so pretty! I keep my photos in many folders, so I can't necessarily pick the 6th picture in one folder, but I'll find a 6th picture in one of the folders and play along. It'll have to wait for my weekend, also I just blogged so I need to give that one time before I replace it. Blogs have feelings too.

KimberlyRies said...

Take your time in finding a picture and thanks for playing along!